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Showing posts from December, 2021

Henry Longfellow, Wadsworth : The Fireside Poet

Henry Wadsworth  Longfellow : (187-1882)   American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born into a well-to-do family in Portland, Maine on 27 th Feb 1807 .   He received his early education at Harvard University. He traveled (in 1826-1829) widely in Europe when he was young. Then he became a professor of modern languages at Harvard until 1854. HE was a man of broad culture and was one of the groups of New England writers for whom the term Brahmin was coined.   Longfellow published a book of travel reminiscences and in 1839 he published a semi-autobiographical novel, HYPERION which reflected his mood after the death of his first wife. In the same year, he brought out his first collection of poems; Voices in the Night. Some of his most memorable poems, including “ The Wreck of the Hesperus ” came out in his Ballads and other poems in 1842. Among later ballads was the famous ‘ Paul Revere’s Ride’ in ...

Ralph Waldo, Emerson : The Man of Letters

  Emerson Ralph Waldo:   (1803-1882) American essayist and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson was born in Boston. He was the child of eight generations of New England Unitarian ministers. Emerson duly studied theology at Harvard and was appointed pastor of the Boston Second Church. His first wife died in 1831 and he resigned his pastorate the next year to make the first of three extend mas Carlyle and William Wordsworth. It had a decisive effect on his development. He then returned to the United States and settled at concord in Massachusetts. He married there with   Lydia Jackson  in  1835   and began his career as writer and lecturer that gradually bought him fame. ed visits to Europe. He met there with men of the stamp of Samuel Coleridge, Tho   Emerson is to be considered one of the major figures of the ‘American Renascence’ that flourished in the 1850s with Thoreau. Emerson’s anti-intellectualist participation of man with nature, proper to transcende...