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Simpsons' Crystal Ball: A Look into Future Predictions

The Simpsons Prophecies

For decades, "The Simpsons" has captivated audiences with its irreverent humor and uncanny ability to predict future events. From technological advancements to political scenarios, the show has left viewers questioning whether its creators possess a crystal ball. Let's delve into some remarkable future predictions made by "The Simpsons."

 1. Smart Watches (1995)

Long before smart watches became a ubiquitous tech accessory, "The Simpsons" showcased a futuristic communication device resembling a smartwatch in the episode "Lisa's Wedding" (Season 6, Episode 19) aired in 1995. Today, smart watches are integral to our daily lives, proving the show's foresight.

2. Facetime and Video Calls (1995)

In the same episode, "Lisa's Wedding," the show predicted the prevalence of video calls and FaceTime. The episode portrayed characters communicating through video calls, a concept that seemed futuristic in the mid-90s but is now an integral part of contemporary communication.

3. Autocorrect (1994)

In the episode "Lisa on Ice" (Season 6, Episode 8) from 1994, the show humorously depicted a faulty autocorrect function on a device, anticipating the widespread use and occasional frustrations of autocorrect in our smartphones today.

4. Mass Surveillance (2007)

"The Simpsons Movie" (2007) eerily anticipated the concept of mass surveillance with the government spying on citizens. While a satirical take, the film foreshadowed concerns about privacy in the digital age, with real-world parallels surfacing in subsequent years.

5. Disney-Fox Merger (1998)

In the episode "When You Dish Upon a Star" (Season 10, Episode 5) from 1998, the show depicted a sign reading "20th Century Fox, a Division of Walt Disney Co." Long before it became a reality, "The Simpsons" hinted at the eventual merger between Disney and 21st Century Fox.

 6. Faulty Voter Machines (2008)

In the episode "Treehouse of Horror XIX" (Season 20, Episode 4) from 2008, Homer Simpson attempts to vote for Barack Obama, only to have a faulty electronic voting machine register his vote for John McCain. This satirical take anticipated concerns about the reliability of electronic voting machines in subsequent real-world elections.

7. Jail Fire (1995):

In Season 6, Episode 19, titled "Lisa's Wedding," The Simpsons showcased their eerie ability to foresee the future. A throwaway joke in the episode involved a newspaper headline reading "Jail Building Catches Fire." Little did viewers know that this seemingly humorous prediction would turn into a bizarre reality. In 2015, nearly two decades later, a prison in Russia experienced a massive blaze, mirroring the animated show's improbable forecast. The incident added another layer to The Simpsons' reputation for inadvertently foreshadowing real-world events, leaving fans both amused and perplexed.

8. Submersible Disaster (1997):

In Season 9, Episode 4, titled "Treehouse of Horror VIII," The Simpsons showcased its uncanny knack for foreseeing unexpected events with a segment called "The HΩmega Man." In this episode, Mayor Quimby dismissively mentions a submersible disaster, a darkly comical scenario at the time. However, the show's clairvoyance struck once again in 2013 when a real-life submersible mishap occurred in Russia's Lake Baikal. The bizarre alignment of fiction with reality left audiences astonished at The Simpsons' inadvertent prediction of a submersible disaster, solidifying the show's reputation for bizarrely prescient storytelling.

9. Biden-Harris Victory (2000):

In an episode titled "Bart to the Future," which originally aired in the year 2000 during Season 11, The Simpsons showcased an improbable vision of the future where Lisa Simpson becomes President of the United States and mentions the financial mess left behind by her predecessor, President Trump. Fast forward to the 2020 elections, and the show's clairvoyance took another unexpected turn. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris emerged victorious, aligning with The Simpsons' decades-old depiction of a female president following a Trump presidency. The uncanny accuracy of this prediction added yet another instance to the long list of The Simpsons' seemingly prophetic moments, leaving viewers marveling at the show's ability to tap into the pulse of future political landscapes.

10. Three-Eyed Fish (1990):

In Season 2, Episode 4, titled "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish," The Simpsons displayed its satirical take on politics and the environment. The episode features Blinky, a three-eyed fish caught near the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Mr. Burns attempts to save face by presenting the mutated fish to the public, drawing parallels to real-world concerns about the impact of industrial activities on aquatic life. Little did the show's creators know that this comedic exaggeration would become strangely relevant. In 2011, a fish with three eyes was discovered in a reservoir in Argentina, echoing the fictional scenario from over two decades earlier. The Simpsons once again found themselves unintentionally foretelling an ecological anomaly that mirrored contemporary environmental issues.

11  Global Pandemic (1993):

In a chilling coincidence, The Simpsons seemed to foreshadow a global pandemic in a 1993 episode titled "Marge in Chains" (Season 4, Episode 21). The episode featured an outbreak of a flu-like virus called the "Osaka Flu," originating in Japan and rapidly spreading across Springfield. While not an exact match to COVID-19, the parallels were striking—both involved an international virus originating in Asia. The eerie resemblance of the show's fictional scenario to the later real-world COVID-19 pandemic sparked widespread discussion and added to The Simpsons' reputation for accidentally anticipating significant global events.

12.  Ebola Outbreak (1997):

In Season 9, Episode 3, titled "Lisa's Sax," The Simpsons showcased another instance of its inadvertent foresight. In a flashback to 1990, Marge reads a book to Bart titled "Curious George and the Ebola Virus." At the time, this was a humorous exaggeration, considering Ebola was relatively unknown to the general public. However, over a decade later, in 2014, the Ebola virus gained international attention with a major outbreak in West Africa. The eerie coincidence raised eyebrows and added to The Simpsons' mystique of foreseeing future events with an uncanny accuracy that transcends mere coincidence.


While "The Simpsons" is not clairvoyant, its remarkable ability to foreshadow aspects of our future has become a cultural phenomenon. Whether mere coincidences or a testament to the show's keen observation of societal trends, these predictions continue to spark fascination and speculation among fans. As we navigate an ever-changing world, "The Simpsons" remains an unexpected guide to what might lie ahead, leaving us to wonder what other surprises may be hidden in its satirical crystal ball.

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